I've started to think our family is more of a cold season group. Not to say we ski or anything of the sort, but we seem to enjoy the process of coming together and creating things as the air gets cooler. We are a family of baking and extravagant art projects that we accomplish together. Everything does seem more fun when you have a partner in crime!
The cooler breezes are sweeping through the city and all the little monsters are getting ready for that one glorious night, Halloween. The excitement of choosing a new costume, collecting candy around the neighborhood, and, in our house at least, a cookie decorating party is on the horizon. Decorating the home seems to be a family event that is taken a little serious in our house. One year our daughter even asked for a Halloween themed birthday party, at the end of September, just because we love decorating so much. These past few years we have been a little slack on the decorating though because a lot of our possessions reside 2600 miles away from us. And as most of you home decorating enthusiasts know, going big, isn't always cheap. We have been slowly building up our decorations again.
This year, as many of you have, I searched Pinterest to find exciting and good ideas for cheap ways to liven up our home this October season. I found an seriously cheap, we are talking less than a dollar, idea for the front door. Granted, I had all the supplies laying around my house in random spots, but this door idea was simple. I was super excited to get the kids involved as well. As it turned out only the youngest monster was truly excited to help get this project done. And in his own way, Boots, made this door project his own.

We gathered our double sided sticky tape, lined the door, and then began stretching the steamers back and forth. Boots was rather bothered that he couldn't reach the top, and thus instructed that it was my area to complete. I would have liked having more streamers, we only had 2 rolls, I would suggest picking up maybe 4 for this project if you don't already have some. But then I do tend to attempt at overachieving at the most random of things. Boots believes that once we added the eyeballs, that he made from paper plates, and the mouth, that we cut and colored on a large poster board, it would all come together. Man he was Right! I think that our Monster front door is the perfect addition to our other random decorations. But you can be the judge of that.