Thursday, June 25, 2015

You can't parent my kids from your couch

   This isn't how parenting works. You don't tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing just because it's what your grandmother did. No disrespect to your grandma,  I'm sure she's a lovely woman, as is mine, but all kids are different.

  Sure inherently we are all the same. We need love, food, attention, positive reinforcement, to be taught right from wrong and some basic manners don't hurt. But really, the journey to how you instill all of those things into YOUR child, is to each his own.

  What works for me, a rigid routine of meals, homework, clean up and  bed time, may not work for you. Or the fact that I let my children have 3 hours after school each day to do whatever they please before this rigid routine goes into play, is absolutely abhorrent to most parents I encounter. But like I said it works for our household.

  We also aren't firm believers in the word chores. Scoff if you will, but we don't use that word in our house and everything still gets done when asked. How, you might ask and the answer is simple. We ask. With a please, and a thank you after task is complete. Now I'm not saying our kids don't grumble and groan like the rest of them. We don't have robot children, but we do have kids that know they have to play a part in the household up keep or else it all goes to shambles.

  I'm not trying to say that my method is the way to go, but I'm also saying, maybe yours isn't for me. And that's alright. If your household runs at a functional level of happiness and order,  then you're doing something right. And by right,  I mean whatever works for you.

  I believe that most people mean well when they're doling out parental advice. What's worked for them if they are parents. What all those be successful parenting books have told them if they're becoming parents. Or even the ever well loved childless friends that seem to always know what's up. But at the end of the day, no one really knows jack shit until they're  knee high in puked on baby clothing with a toddler that won't sleep anywhere but on them or in a swing that has to run all night or you never get any sleep.

  The struggle and balance of parenting is a tricky one folks. There are no magical answers,  and some how everything you thought you knew goes out the window once you're there. Sure there's always sound advice on safe toys, the best swing, easiest pak n play to use (those things are trickier than they look), which car seat is the safest, and you should always take that advice into consideration when buying something new.

  But whether or not you let your kid have a pacifier back that recently fell on the floor. Or letting your kids wear pajamas all weekend if you're staying in. What time to feed your children. What time to put your kids to bed. WHERE to put your kids to bed (maybe you're a co-sleeper).  What you're feeding your ever picky 9 year old that only likes white foods. All these things, they're up to you. No one can tell you what's going to work best for you. No one can step in and say you're doing it wrong. Because guess what? 

  If you're child is happy, healthy and thriving, then you're doing it right. And that is something to be proud of. Hang those sloppy but cute finger paintings. Relish the moments your child hugs and kisses you when they're small. Embrace the endless questions of why, because one day, they will cease and your child will know everything.

  Remember to always take what other people have to say about your parenting skills with a grain of salt. They're not there 24/7 raising your child. And no one knows better than you. Even when you feel like you're doing it all wrong, know that the rest of us are too.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Monster Mash

I've started to think our family is more of a cold season group.  Not to say we ski or anything of the sort, but we seem to enjoy the process of coming together and creating things as the air gets cooler.  We are a family of baking and extravagant art projects that we accomplish together.  Everything does seem more fun when you have a partner in crime!

The cooler breezes are sweeping through the city and all the little monsters are getting ready for that one glorious night, Halloween.  The excitement of choosing a new costume, collecting candy around the neighborhood, and, in our house at least, a cookie decorating party is on the horizon.  Decorating the home seems to be a family event that is taken a little serious in our house.  One year our daughter even asked for a Halloween themed birthday party, at the end of September, just because we love decorating so much.  These past few years we have been a little slack on the decorating though because a lot of our possessions reside 2600 miles away from us.  And as most of you home decorating enthusiasts know, going big, isn't always cheap.  We have been slowly building up our decorations again.

This year, as many of you have, I searched Pinterest to find exciting and good ideas for cheap ways to liven up our home this October season.  I found an seriously cheap, we are talking less than a dollar, idea for the front door.  Granted, I had all the supplies laying around my house in random spots, but this door idea was simple.  I was super excited to get the kids involved as well.  As it turned out only the youngest monster was truly excited to help get this project done.  And in his own way, Boots, made this door project his own.

Over at Honey & Fitz there is a super easy tutorial for creating a Mummy Door.  It's cute, cheap, easy, and all the things this mom loves!  When Boots decided to help me we went on a hunt for white streamers.  Unfortunately we did not have any in our house and he refused to make a trip to the store with me.  So in the wake of feeling like my cheap decorating idea was being blown out of the water, he suggests we use black streamers.  Of course to this I said "But Mummies aren't black" and his simple response was "But Monsters are".  The 9 year old wins.  He is true and correct in the sentiment that some monsters are black and in this statement he also saved the day.

We gathered our double sided sticky tape, lined the door, and then began stretching the steamers back and forth.  Boots was rather bothered that he couldn't reach the top, and thus instructed that it was my area to complete.  I would have liked having more streamers, we only had 2 rolls, I would suggest picking up maybe 4 for this project if you don't already have some.  But then I do tend to attempt at overachieving at the most random of things.  Boots believes that once we added the eyeballs, that he made from paper plates, and the mouth, that we cut and colored on a large poster board, it would all come together.  Man he was Right!  I think that our Monster front door is the perfect addition to our other random decorations.  But you can be the judge of that.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Family is Love

I have one sibling. Only one brother. And though some people may think this is normal, I know plenty who find it odd because they come from huge extended families. In fact, it seems more normal these days to meet people with 2+ siblings. Even in my family, that I've had, there are 5 kids (6 really but that's for another time).  And I know they have their differences but they seem to love being from a large family filled with love.
For me, one brother is enough though. He's so awesome I couldn't imagine having to share him with anyone else but my parents. I am the first born. Seemingly I would be the protector, the leader, the one that saves the day and makes everything good. But it is not so. My brother is my hero. He stands strong against the test of time. He has weathered the harshest of conditions and yet he still has kind words for people and always makes me know that everything, in the end will be ok. 
We did not have the most conventional of upbringings. Our father died when I was only 7 and he a mere 4. It has been a hard thing for us. Being raised by a single mother whom did nothing but teach us acceptance and love for others despite anything. She is a powerful woman, our mother. She always let us make our own decisions no matter how rash always reminding us that it is our own choices that lead us down paths in life we have to live with. I think my brother listened to these words more than I though. 
Being the eldest child I always ran free, not really having a care in the world and always doing whatever seemed fun and exciting. Not to say my brother hasn't had his own fair share of adventures, but
his lifelong dream was to be a husband and a father. 
He used to always tell me how he was going to work hard, raise a bunch of kids and just be a dad. A happy go lucky fun dad (similar to the way our own father was before his death). And this is what he has become. It has taken 30+ years of trials and tribulations, but I think he has achieved his ultimate goal. He's the father. He takes care of everyone around him (not without his faults of course. I'm not trying to say he's perfect).  He is always worried about tomorrow and what we are all going to do. He tries to have this cool aloof exterior when I know inside it's eating him alive, but he always says "It's going to be ok. No matter what". And he's always right. Every time. No matter what. It all works out, and he makes me feel better in the course of it all. 
When we were small our mom saw a psychic, this woman told my mom she had one child, a boy. But in her description of this child, it was a mix of my brother and I. Some people think we're twins when they meet us. We are very close and look strikingly similar (more so than most siblings). I think this says a lot about how I feel towards him. He's my better half. The less wild (which is saying a lot about me because he's an animal), and the kinder, more nurturing side. 
He's quick with hugs, always there with the laughter and has kind words for the worst of situations. All things I struggle with in life. My best friend (someone I've known since birth once told me she was afraid to hug me because I have that standoffish vibe I give off), but my brother, he always has his arms stretched wide open for those in need. 
I on the other hand am harsh, demanding, angry, quick with the words that cut and attempt to protect everyone. I'm possessive, he's just not. He lets everything be mine.  Probably because he knows I'm going to share with him in the end. He always wins. Everything. And he always makes me feel better when I'm at a loss. There's never a time when he doesn't make me see where I was wrong, and still accept me for being myself. He's never judging me. 
All of these rambling words come to one thing; I am most grateful for my brother. For all the times we fought and for all the times we've cried and laughed, I wouldn't trade him for the entire world and I'm thankful there's just him. No one else I have to share my love or him with. And of course, he's always making me feel safe and well loved despite all my downfalls.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sophia's Bakery

Sophia 1 Day Old

  I have one daughter.  5 children and only one beautiful little girl that is not so little any more.  I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to her that she is the eldest, but I think it is just perfect!! Bright, innovative, smart, funny and driven my daughter is the sort that dreams are made of.  I know, I know, I should knock on wood and hope everything doesn't spiral out of control because I am praising her, but honestly I couldn't be more proud of her.  She is 15 and she has a dream to be a Baker.  Which warms my heart and excites me because I love food so much!!!
2 Months Old
   Sophia has always been full of fire and adventure.  When she was little, even now, she was always curious about food and willing to eat anything we put on her plate.  On one occasion she got a little feisty about not getting enough "bites" from her father's plate, took it upon herself to grab some and stuff it in her mouth before we could warn her that she was currently ingesting a roasted chili pepper!! Well as luck would have it, she chewed it up, had a little beaded sweat on her brow, and said yum!! I knew then that the food world would be good to her.  To this day she loves spicy food and doesn't shy away even when it seems a bit to much for others.
   Throughout her life I have attempted to bake and cook with my daughter (all of my kids really).  In some way I hope to instill the love of food that my mother set deep into my soul.  There is just something heartwarming and beautiful about creating something with your hands and your heart to share with other people.  Food always seems to be a winner.  Even though the actual edible treat doesn't last forever, the loving memory of it will always stick with you.  And when you only make certain things, like delicious Grandma's Snickerdoodles, at Christmas time, it makes the season seem that much more exciting knowing they are on their way.
2 Years Old
4 Years Old
  I guess a little something has stuck with Sophia.  Even if she doesn't think it comes from me, I like to think there's a little bit more of me inside of her than her scary identical looks.  At the beginning of High School, just 3 short years ago, she headed in full force with the intention of becoming an engineer like her father.  A profitable and noble job as any I suppose but in my opinion seems boring as hell!! Someone has to do it though.  Sophia has the brains and the sense to do such a job.  All Honors classes, all good grades, quickly on her way to a stellar graduation. And then she started baking.  I suppose it was helping her step mom keep up with dinners, or maybe just creating little snacks here and there for herself, but I like to think in a small way it was her inner desire to create something amazing that came from me.  But she has since changed her outlook on her future and decided that she would like to bake!!
I am crazy excited for this!! She has stepped forward in a direction I think that most kids her age are afraid to go.  She has created a Tumblr account, a Facebook account and a new Blog all to promote herself and her baking.  She self promotes through all of these venues and word seems to be spreading fast.  This last year in school she was creating tasty little treats for her schoolmates and selling them at reasonable prices, always selling out quickly!!! I think this really helped spurr her desire to do it on a larger scale.  This summer she even made a bunch of treats for a friends Bat mitzvah, employed by the mother, and she was a total hit!  I believe this really was a great boost to her confidence that she can in fact do anything she sets her mind to.
Letting her brothers help her Christmas 2012
  Like so many of us who love to bake, Sophia finds a lot of inspiration from Pinterest and she always executes and shows her treats off in a gorgeous manner.  At only 15, with fire and determination in her beautiful heart I truly believe that my little girl is growing up fast and headed forward in a direction that is only going to bring her joy in her life to come.  This really is a moment I can say the sky is not the limit, because I think she is well on her way past there already!!! Please check her out, support her efforts and watch this awesome girl make something amazing of her life.  Maybe one day you'll be eating in her bakery and remembering the 1st time you saw her embarrassing pictures all over a blog and smile to yourself.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Constant Pinner

My name is April, and I am addicted to Pinterest.  I understand that it is not exactly the most productive spending of my daily down time, but the ease of use and the amount of new plus exciting things I find intrigues me.  I am constantly reading about ways to improve my home , be a little more healthy, or get a good laugh.  I know there are thousands of other things floating around out there on my various boards too that I am constantly updating, going back to and trying out but I must admit, I cannot stop.
I feel that I am not your average pinner.  Many pins that I read come with the caption "pin now, read later".  I prefer the read now, pin if interesting option though.  I suppose in a way this is good for my brain.  I read that constant reading helps improve memory. On a pin of course!  So maybe I am on the right track there.  But I also find in the "read now, then pin" concept, I pin proper links.
I recently read a post about "cleaning up Pinterest" that had some very valid information.  In this post they suggest you revamp your community. Figure out what type of account you want to have and clean out the pins that are no longer relevant, or that have dead links. Also update your profile, insuring that you are representing yourself accurately based on the type of account you have (business or personal).  Today, I plan to do all of these things.
Do you see the addiction yet?  I suppose that there are far worse things in life to be addicted to though.  Pinterest has really cultivated my artistic side. 
Mod Podge I made 
I have found many a decorating ideas that I have utilized in my own home.  Simple, easy things that make my home a little more cozy and were not really huge changes costing a lot of money (I'm always looking for a deal). And I've found a lot of ideas that I probably would have never found elsewhere because I am not a regular online surfer.  
I suppose you could say that I am constantly surfing the net via Pinterest, but I rarely open up my Google or Bing app and type in something I am looking for.  I'm not a big fan of online shopping.  I prefer hands on shopping.  I enjoy collecting ideas from Pinterest and then going out into my community and finding like products to use in my own home.  (on a side note I love shopping at Junkie's here in Reno.  They have some awesome finds at great prices!!)  I think this gives my home a little more character because I often find one of a kind items (which can be frustrating when I was looking for curtains and they only had one panel rather than the 2 I needed) and often these items have that "washed vintage" theme already.  
Along with you, I too am wondering where this post is headed, and really, it is just trying to explain how much I value Pinterest and the good I see that it offers.  If you follow me, you will see hours worth of pins flood your timeline in large blocks.  I'm at home in the day time with my boys and rarely have much more to do outside of cleaning.  I prefer to blow off steam if you will, looking at various ideas for my home and family.  I have found many a dinner idea, party foods, and DIY art projects that I have tried out on my family.  They are my personal guinea pigs!  I wouldn't say that my addiction is really a waste of my time, but I often start sentences with "I was reading on Pinterest".  I guess this could be a bit unnerving to some, but I have also found that most people are excited, head over to Pinterest in their spare time, and check it out themselves.  
I have to say that I have found a ton of wonderful blogs via Pinterest that I would have never found on my own.  And most of those blogs happily source their information back to the places they first read the information as well.  Ahhhh the love of the responsible and caring blogger.  Who really knows exactly where all the information first came about, but I do think it is awesome that we can all share what we read and source it back to where we first saw it.  
Thank you Pinterest for helping me find wonderful, amazing, and loads of information relevant to me. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

The River Wild

I am not the wealthiest mom on the planet so I am constantly looking for ways to entertain my children outside of TV and video games without breaking the bank.  Of course, my tech savvy kids think video games are a way of life, I think it is important to branch out, get them connected with nature and enjoy the outdoors (hopefully more than I actually do).  This is not always an easy feat.

During the winter time I hope for snow so that we can enjoy building snow men and possibly, if bodies are willing, make snow angels.  The summer though opens a world of possibilities.  Although I am not a fan of the city I live in I do have to give credit to the abundance of outdoor activities that the warm weather offers.  We live in Reno, Nevada.  At the base of Lake Tahoe, near the Truckee River and just a hop skip and a jump away from Donner Lake, we have quite a few options as long as we are willing to drive and enjoy them.

 I am a kid from the mountains though so sharing my river front view with a million people, locals and tourists, is not exactly my idea of a good time.  With the Truckee River flowing right through the middle of downtown, this would be an easily accessible point to go to but I like to make things difficult.  I asked around my work for ideas of where I could enjoy the river NOT surrounded by screaming kids, dog poop, and trash and came up with a couple of gems.

In town, just down a couple little roads, there are two places that you can hike, relax and swim in the Truckee River without all the commotion of life.  Really enjoy the beauty and peace of the river life the way it was meant to be.  The first place is Mayberry Park.  In a million years I would have never expected there to be a hiking trail and nice river beach tucked back behind a beer distribution center but there it is.  A small little parking area leads to a nice paved path for mothers looking for a peaceful place to push strollers or for joggers to safely and quietly get outdoors.  There are quite a few dirt paths that veer off in every direction, all leading down to the water.  It takes a bit of hiking around to find the perfect spot for you, but it is well worth the time, and you get to enjoy a bit of nature in it's entirety while you're at it.

Since it is the river, made mostly up of snow runoff I wouldn't say the Truckee River is warm, but it is cool to dip into on a hot summer day.  My kids discovered an area that was very safe and enjoyable for them to play in as well.  The river is fast, but some other parents or children, collected all the rocks from the riverbed and built up a little retaining wall, creating a nice pool for swimming with a soft sandy bottom.  They really love this little river area.  And of course there is a little area for mom to relax in the sun and enjoy the peaceful sounds of nature as well.

The second "secret" in Reno is called Oxbow Nature Study Area.  We have yet to make it here while it was open to the public, but it is supposed to boast trails and river access that are not high traffic area.  They are open, according to the locked gate and sign, from 8am to sunset.  Which in a way makes it a bit difficult to visit in the evening since "sunset" seems to vary depending on the weather and the day.  But it is our next stop on the hiking agenda.  I am excited to see beyond the gate.  It is tucked way back at the end of a rather dismal road, that I honestly thought went no where.  The drive in boasts warehouse art businesses and a trailer park.  So I would have to say this is a pretty well hidden little gem if there ever was one.  Most people will not travel into such dire conditions to find anything, but I was ensured by coworkers that this was a real find.
Later this month, before the summer escapes us I am traveling my little monsters to their first visit of Lake Tahoe. Since they are not the most outdoorsy of kids, I wanted to wait until the weather was warmer, and maybe the lake as well.  If you don't already know, Tahoe is NOT the warmest water, ever.  No matter the conditions outside, but it sure is a beautiful and amazing sight to see.  I think it is the blown base of a volcano, but then I thought lakes like that would have been warm from the flowing lava underneath.  Maybe that's just still active volcanos......Either way, Lake Tahoe is a place I think everyone who visits the West Coast should visit.  It is truely a beautiful place and they offer year round activities if you are so inclined.
So cheers to you and yours on an exciting summer adventure that is maybe a little less plugged in, and a lot more peaceful.  We hope to make the most of what nature has to offer this summer ourselves.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Baked with Love

Fresh Fruit Crumble
In a recent attempt to make my family healthier, I have been purchasing more fresh fruit and trying inventive ways to get it into their bodies.  Apples and cuties are a staple in our diets, but I have been attempting to branch out.  A while back I purchased a large container of Blueberries from Raleys on a special $5 Monday deal.  My kids were NOT excited to eat those fresh blueberries as a tasty little snack as I had hoped.  One twin even commented that they were a "weird little fruit" and so I stuffed them into the freezer before they went bad and decided I would eventually find a use for them.
Like an internet supermom I searched the web over for various uses.  I am sure there are plenty of moms out there with the same problem.  Wanting our families to be healthy but happy at the same time can sometimes be a challenge in this fast food world.  Last time I checked Chicken Nuggets from the Golden arches didn't exactly rank up there in the health department as much as they're a kid friendly favorite.
Often times, when I am scouring the internet, I am kicked back to the wonderful site AllRecipes. I think a lot of people find little gems here, but I really hit the jackpot when looking for blueberry goodies.  Who doesn't LOVE the idea of anything that begins with the word Overnight???

  I am not really a breakfast eater (I know it is "the most important meal of the day"). I do not care for eggs, I don't eat syrup really, and I just find cooking in the morning to be an overwhelming task when I have so many other things to do in the day.  But when I found this recipe, Overnight Blueberry French Toast, my family did not let up until I agreed to make it.  It was an appealing idea to me because of the "overnight" but little did I know, it was more work than I thought.
I must admit that this recipe wasn't diffucult, as much as time consuming.  I read all of the reviews on the bottom, I suggest you do as well there's some great tips, and I surged forth in creating this meal.  Now as I stated before, this meal was an Overnight journey, meaning all the preparation is done the night before you are actually going to eat it (I find these kinds of recipes are best for Christmas when you have less time the day of) and the cooking is left up to your oven in the morning while you relax enjoying your Starbucks.

I simply cream cheesed my french bread, tossed in those fresh blueberries (even though they were still frozen), mixed up the eggs, got it all situated into a baking dish and threw it in the fridge.  When morning came, I popped that bad boy in the fridge, made the suggested fresh blueberry syrup while it baked and listened to my family buzz about the glorious smells that were coming from the kitchen.  Those "weird little fruits" weren't so strange anymore!!!
The finished product, well lets just say it turned out better than I could have ever imagined and I actually ate breakfast, and enjoyed it, eggs and all.